To separate, laminate or sedimentate the solid particles in liquid by getting different sedimentation speeds under centrifugal force field for light/heavy phase or solid phase that are of different densities and not solvable each other in liquid mixture (turbid liquid). The separated oil grease will be input into the heart of the separator, i.e. drum smoothly and evenly, by the strong centrifugal force field generated by hi-speed running, the hybrid oil passes the separation partition consists of disk string, by taking the neutral holes in disk as the separating surface, the heavy phase in higher specific gravity (e.g. lipoid, nigre, etc.) will move outward the neutral holes along disk wall, and the heavy residue (e.g. greasy filth) will accumulate at the residue-settling area and be discharged outside periodically. The light phase in lower specific gravity (e.g. grease) will move upward along the disk wall to drum top, output to the next operation by the light-phase centripetal pump, and the heavy phase will be discharged by the heavy-phase centripetal pump. The separator discharges residue by a loop valve, the residue removal rate can be optimized by adjusting the residue-discharging period and other parameters (e.g. residue-discharging time and washing time, etc.). So attaining the ideal separation effects.